10 of the Most Expensive Luxury Handbags in the World.
As anyone with a love for fashion knows, designer handbags are often seen as a status symbol. They can be quite expensive, but many people are willing to spend the money on a high-quality bag. If you’re looking for a new luxury handbag, here are 10 of the most expensive ones available.
1. Hermes Birkin Bag: $120,000This Hermes bag is named after actress Jane Birkin and is one of the most iconic bags in the world. It’s made from crocodile skin and can take up to 18 hours to make.2. Chanel Platinum Handbag: $261,000This Chanel bag is made from alligator skin and is adorned with 1,000 diamonds. It was created as part of a limited edition collection.3. Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse: $3.8 MillionThis purse is made from 18-karat gold and features 4,517 diamonds. It took eight artisans over 8,800 hours to create this piece.4. Hermes Rose Azalea Kelly Bag: $4 MillionThis Hermes bag is made from diamond-encrusted white gold and features a rose azalea design on the outside. Only four of these bags were made.5. Lana Marks Cleopatra Clutch: $400,000This clutch is made from platinum and features 1,600 white diamonds. It’s designed to resemble the asp that Cleopatra used to kill herself.6. Urban Satchel Louis Vuitton Bag: $150,000This bag is made from alligator skin and features 1,000 diamonds. It was designed by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami.7. Dolce & Gabbana Sicily Bag: $38,000This bag is made from crocodile skin and features an intricate floral design. It’s inspired by the Sicilian landscape.8. Hermes Birkin Crocodile Bag: $100,000This Hermes bag is made from crocodile skin and features 18-karat gold hardware. It’s one of the most popular Birkin bags.9. Chanel Diamond Forever Classic Flap Bag: $261,000This Chanel bag is made from alligator skin and features 1,600 diamonds. It’s part of the brand’s haute couture collection.10. Louis Vuitton Tribute Patchwork Bag: $42,000This Louis Vuitton bag is made from a patchwork of different materials, including denim and crocodile skin. It’s adorned with Swarovski crystals.