Frequently asked questions What is this site? how to use it? How do I report some content?
To report you have to click the "three dots" ... button that every Post and Comment have, then click Report, and the reporting interface will show up. Users can be reported from their profile page (access by clicking on "@user" name), and for other content you can use our contact form.
How do I report an infringement of Copyright, Trademark or a DCMA notice?
Go to our Copyright information page where you will find all necessary information, as well as a link to the form to send a Copyright and Trademark Complaint, or DCMA notice.
Developers FAQ: Is there a Sharing option for third party sites?
You can use our Repost system to add a Share button to your site, to share your content on ours. For now there is a limitation, the origin URL, if included, it will be pasted as plain text (Unless your domain gets verified upon request):
If the Post is an image, the image link source will be linked, you can redirect a visitor to a source page by checking the referrer, like Imgur does. If the Post is a Video or Gif, the original host site media will be linked.
• To Share content in our Site use the link: https://postadio.com/send#title=Hello%20World&text=&video=&img=&gif=&url= • The data is send in the URL hash, remember to encode each data component. • Don't include Html in the text (not allowed for now), check the max length of the texts (320 mini text, and 4000 text characters), and remember to account for the length of the origin URL (if included) + 1 separation character. • Don't send a Gif with &img=. Gifs can be an .mp4 file or other video formats too, and only from the allowed Gif hosting sites. • Videos can only be from the allowed host sites. At the moment of writing this: YouTube, Dailymotion & Vimeo. (Check sites at Send Post) • If you want to target a specific Board, use the send URL of the board postadio.com/Shiba-Inu/send#title=Hello... We would advice to do this only for community Boards, since managed Boards "send" permits might change. • If you want to trigger a board search with specific words when the send page is loaded, add to the URL hash &search=words