Was Vin Diesel in Body Rock form 1984?

Was Vin Diesel in Body Rock form 1984?
I was dinning in front of the TV, and they were playing this cool 80’s movie, about break dance. The styles and clothes took my attention so I watched it for a little bit. Suddenly I saw a break dancer that was on camera for a second, which make me question, wasn’t that Vin Diesel? Surely I had in the back of my mind those images from a young Vin Diesel doing break dance on “Breakin' in the USA“ which interestingly is also from 1984. I couldn’t find anything on the internet, and all I found is this blurry screenshot, it comes out at 1h 15min into the movie. What do you think, is it him? #VinDiesel #Vin_Diesel #1984 #breakdance #break_dance

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