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2 years ago

Why you should care about politics.

Politics is something that affects everyone, whether we like it or not. It’s the system that we have in place to make decisions about how our society should be run. That means that the decisions made in politics can have a big impact on our lives, for better or for worse.

That’s why it’s important to care about politics. By being informed about the issues and voting for the candidates who align with our beliefs, we can help shape our society into one that we want to live in. apathy towards politics can lead to a society that doesn’t reflect our values, and that’s not a world anyone wants to live in.

So if you care about the world around you, get involved in politics. It’s one of the best ways to make your voice heard and to create the change you want to see in the world.
2 years ago

How campaign finance reform could fix our broken politics

It's no secret that money plays a big role in politics. Candidates spend countless hours raising money to support their campaigns, and special interests and lobbyists pour billions of dollars into influencing the political process. This system is clearly broken, and campaign finance reform could be the key to fixing our broken politics.

There are a number of ways to reform campaign finance, but one of the most promising is public financing of campaigns. Under this system, candidates would receive public funds to support their campaigns, instead of relying on private donations. This would level the playing field and allow candidates who are not wealthy or backed by special interests to run for office.

Public financing of campaigns would also reduce the influence of money in politics. Candidates would no longer be beholden to their donors and would be free to focus on the issues that matter to their constituents. This would lead to a more representative and responsive government that is not controlled by special interests.

Campaign finance reform is not a silver bullet, but it is a necessary step to fix our broken politics. It's time for our elected officials to put the needs of the people above the demands of their donors and start working for a government that is truly representative of the people it serves.
2 years ago

The benefits of voting

Voting is one of the most important things you can do as an American citizen. It’s your right and your responsibility. When you vote, you have a say in what happens in your community, your state, and your country.

Voting gives you a voice in the government. It allows you to elect officials who make laws that affect your daily life. When you don’t vote, you give up your power to influence the government.

Voting is also a way to hold elected officials accountable. If you don’t like the way an elected official is doing their job, voting them out of office is the best way to send a message.

Voting is one of the simplest things you can do to make a difference. It only takes a few minutes, but it can have a big impact on your community and your country. So make sure you exercise your right to vote!
2 years ago

How to get more young people interested in politics

It's no secret that young people are the least likely to vote or be interested in politics. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with news and information, it can be easy to feel like our voices don't matter. But trust us, they do. Here are a few ways to get more young people interested in politics:

1) Have honest conversations about the issues that matter to you. Whether it's with your friends, family, or even strangers, talking about the issues you care about is a great way to get others interested in what's going on.

2) Get involved in your community. There are plenty of ways to get involved, whether it's through volunteering, attending local events, or even just writing to your representatives. Getting involved will help you feel more connected to the political process and give you a better understanding of how it all works.

3) Educate yourself on the candidates and the issues. It can be easy to tune out during election season, but it's important to educate yourself on who is running for office and where they stand on the issues. Once you know where you stand, it'll be easier to convince others to vote with you.

4) Use your voice. Voting is important, but it's not the only way to make your voice heard. Social media is a great way to start conversations and engage with others about the issues you care about.

5) Encourage others to get involved. Once you've started getting involved yourself, it's time to encourage others to do the same. Talk to your friends and family about why voting and being involved in politics is important, and help them understand how they can make a difference.
2 years ago

Why voter turnout is so low.

Voter turnout in the United States has been on a steady decline for the past few decades. In the 2016 presidential election, only about 60% of eligible voters cast a ballot. This was the lowest turnout rate in the previous 20 years.

There are a number of reasons for this decline. One is that people are increasingly disconnected from the political process. They don't feel like their vote will make a difference, or that the system is rigged against them.

Another reason is that it's become harder to vote. Many states have implemented strict voter ID laws that make it difficult for people to cast a ballot. And even when people do have the proper ID, they may not be able to get to their polling place on Election Day.

The decline in voter turnout is a problem for democracy. When fewer people vote, it's harder to hold elected officials accountable. It also means that special interests have more power, since they're the ones funding campaigns and getting out the vote.

There are some things that can be done to increase voter turnout. Making Election Day a holiday would make it easier for people to vote. Automatic voter registration would also help, by ensuring that everyone who's eligible to vote is actually registered.

But ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide whether or not to vote. And until more people see the value in casting a ballot, turnout is likely to remain low.
2 years ago

The problem with negative campaigning

Most people can agree that negative campaigning is a problem. It can be defined as “attack ads” or any sort of campaigning that relies on making the other candidate look bad instead of focusing on the positive aspects of the candidate’s own platform. Negative campaigning is a staple in American politics, and it’s something that most people have come to accept as part of the process. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a problem.

There are a few reasons why negative campaigning is problematic. First, it can lead to voter disengagement. If all a voter sees is two candidates tearing each other down, they may be turned off from the whole process and decide not to vote at all. Second, negative campaigning can lead to mudslinging and personal attacks that have nothing to do with the issues at hand. This can further turn off voters and make them less likely to trust either candidate.

So why do candidates continue to rely on negative campaigning? For one, it can be effective. If a candidate can successfully make their opponent look bad, it can make voters more likely to support them. Additionally, negative campaigning is often cheaper than positive campaigning, since it doesn’t require as much time or effort to produce attack ads.

In the end, negative campaigning is a problem because it can lead to disengaged and mistrusting voters. However, as long as it remains effective, candidates will continue to use it.
2 years ago

Should we have a national popular vote?

The national popular vote is a proposal to change the way the President of the United States is elected. Currently, the President is not elected by a direct vote of the people. He is elected by a vote of the Electoral College, which is made up of representatives from each state. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state's population.

The national popular vote would change the way the President is elected so that he is elected by a direct vote of the people. This would mean that every person in the United States would have one vote, and the candidate with the most votes would be elected President.

There are pros and cons to the national popular vote. Some people argue that it would be fairer, because every person's vote would count equally. Others argue that it would lead to candidates only campaigning in densely populated areas, and that small states would be ignored.

What do you think? Should we have a national popular vote?
2 years ago

How special interests are corrupting our politics.

In a democracy, the government is supposed to represent the will of the people. But in recent years, it seems like our government is more responsive to special interests than to the needs of average Americans.

Lobbyists and campaign donations buy access and influence with elected officials. As a result, laws and regulations are often written to benefit the interests of those who can afford to pay for access, rather than what would be best for the country as a whole.

This corruption of our political system has real-world consequences. It leads to higher prices for prescription drugs, for example, and it makes it harder for small businesses to compete against large corporations.

Special interests also tilt the playing field in elections, by spending millions of dollars on attack ads and other forms of influence. This makes it harder for new candidates with fresh ideas to get elected, and it further erodes the public’s trust in government.

It’s time to take back our democracy from the special interests that have corrupted it. We need to reform our campaign finance system, so that elected officials are more accountable to the people they are supposed to represent. We also need to make it easier for new voices to be heard, so that our government reflects the diversity of our country.

Only then can we hope to restore faith in our democracy and make our government work for all of us, not just the special interests.
2 years ago

Why Congress is gridlocked

In the United States, the Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government that is responsible for making laws. The Congress is made up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is made up of 100 members, two from each state, who serve six year terms. The House of Representatives is made up of 435 members, who serve two year terms.

The Congress is gridlocked when there is a disagreement between the two houses on legislation or when the President vetoes legislation. When the Congress is gridlocked, it means that no progress is being made on legislation and the government is not functioning properly.

There are many reasons why the Congress is gridlocked. One reason is that the two parties, Republicans and Democrats, are divided on many issues. Another reason is that the members of Congress are more interested in getting re-elected than in working together to get things done.

The Congress is gridlocked because the American people are divided on many issues. The Congress is also gridlocked because the members of Congress are more interested in getting re-elected than in working together to get things done. #gridlocked
2 years ago

The problem with Partisanship

The problem with partisanship is that it creates an us vs. them mentality that prevents people from working together for the common good.

Partisanship also leads to a lack of critical thinking, as people are more likely to blindly follow their party's line instead of critically evaluating the issues.
This can lead to bad decision making, as well as a general feeling of animosity and distrust between people of different political persuasions. #partisanship
2 years ago

Should the President be allowed to pardon himself?

If the President of the United States is not above the law, the President should not be allowed to pardon himself.

The President is not a king. The President is not a dictator. The President is not above the law. The President should not be allowed to pardon himself.

The President is supposed to be a public servant, not a ruler. The President is supposed to be someone who works for the people, not someone who works for himself.

If the President commits a crime, he should be tried in a court of law like any other citizen. If the President is found guilty, he should be punished like any other citizen.